I should start by saying that I am not a wealthy CEO of a company. I do not own a business or proclaim to be a leader in the community. I am like most people in the world. I have dreams, I have fears and have made many mistakes in my life. I have learned from most of them, and others I am still learning to master. I can only speak of my own personal life experiences and don't claim to "know it all" or have all the answers. I believe that each and every one of us is unique in our own way and what works for one might not work for the other. We must each follow our own path and find the "right" answers that best fit who we are in this life. Those "right" or "wrong" answers will change throughout our lives. after all, just like in nature, nothing stays the same. We are constantly evolving everyday. We are morphing every single minute. What was true for me five years ago is not today, this moment. I am not the same person I was then. Our life's experiences give us what is most needed to fully grow into our true potential. I always say, "don't judge a book by it's cover, but also, don't judge a book by its first few chapters."
When we think of leaders, we imagine those in power, leading countries, jumping off mountains setting world records. We think of the people who generously donate their time and money to many noble causes around the world. People that organize walks, or spend a day painting schools, or donate their time helping feed the homeless. These are the people that change the world and help humanity. Some of these individuals have come from nothing and overcame challenges in life most of us couldn't dream of dealing with. Their stories inspire us and makes us want to strive to do the same.
What about those that life's struggles drove them to make the "wrong" choices at some points in their lives. Choices driven by their fears. We all have them. I don't care what your title is or who you are in this world, we all have fears. Some, like I mentioned before, used these fears to drive them forward, and to make a difference in their lives. Others, unfortunately struggle and it might take them longer to understand the value of their suffering. They might not have created anything great in their lives career wise, monetary wise or personal relationships. However, they live their lives from the heart. They're "heart Leaders" Maybe not in the "big" way we all expect leaders to do, but how they help and treat others in their everyday life. It's that person that offers you a smile on the street, the person that stops on the side of the road for you. The person offers to help carry your groceries to your car. The person that stops and converses with an old man that sits at a bus bench that most of us ignore. That person that offers lunch to a homeless person at a fast food restaurant. I could go on and on talking of all these wonderful people that we encounter everyday and never think twice about. Yes, they might be poor and in terms of being a "leader of self" have a long journey ahead of them, but their hearts are filled with tremendous love. There are many different "leaders" in this world. Some we all see and recognize, others, are invisible to the naked eye.
We are all teachers of one another in this life.
Being a true "leader" to me, is living my life with courage and getting up everyday no matter what. Being kind and helpful to others in need even when at times our lives are in turmoil. We all matter and we should all care to make a difference in this life. Most of us are not aware that we can all effect a positive change in the world by even the smallest act of kindness.