Saturday, February 22, 2014

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

Why so much hatred towards a group people? haven't we learned as humanity as a whole by the mistakes we have made in the past?  History keeps repeating itself over and over again.  Every time the oppression is towards those that seem "different" than the majority of people but the issues are the same.

To my surprise, many of the people who lead these crusades against others at one point suffered the same persecution. I have many friends that are Jewish, African American, Latinos, Asian, Irish, Christian just to mention a few that are passionate about not giving Gay people equal rights.  They go and vote against my rights, a supposed "friend" of them.  Yet every single group of them have been persecuted before in the history of humanity.  Have they forgotten where they came from? How it felt to be made like you were a second class citizen?   How many of us have these so called friends and family in our lives that tell us they love us but still want to segregate us from the rest of humanity. They feel their fights were different. How were they different? 

True love and respect is not choosing which parts of me you want to like and which you don't. I was born Gay and I can NEVER change that.  Why must we hate those we perceive "different" than us?  Bills like the ones in Arizona and people like Ted Cruz hold humanity back. This is 2014. What's next? Revoking women's right to vote? Racial segregation? Jewish concentration camps?  This is why history keeps repeating itself. We have not learned our lesson and the "test" keeps being brought to our human history.  Same hatred, different faces.  

With so many people dying of starvation, living in poverty, suffering from diseases we can't cure, why must we continue to fight one another?  Abraham Lincoln puts it best "A house divided against itself cannot stand." As long as humanity continues to oppress and segregate other beings, we will NEVER acheive peace in the world.  We must set our priorities straight of what it's important in the world. Love and acceptance or hatred and fear. Our choice. 

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